Posters and Presentations

2018 Presentations

Plant Biology 2018 - ASPB. Montreal, Canada
Introduction to the Plant Metabolic Network: Data and Tools for Analysis and Discovery
(presented by Peifen Zhang)

2017 Presentations

TAIR Workshop I: How to effectively use the tools and resources at TAIR to enhance your research
(presented by Peifen Zhang)

Computer demo

Plant Biology 2017 - ASPB. Honolulu, Hawaii, USA
Introduction to the Plant Metabolic Network: Data and Tools for Analysis and Discovery
(presented by Pascal Schlapfer)

2016 Presentations

Plant Biology 2016 - ASPB. Austin, TX, USA
Introduction to the Plant Metabolic Network: Data and Tools for Analysis and Discovery
(presented by Peifen Zhang)

2014 Presentations

Plant and Animal Genomes XXII. San Diego, CA, USA
Introduction to the Plant Metabolic Network: 18 Databases and Omics-Level Tools for Analysis and Discovery
(presented by Kate Dreher)

Check out the Plant Metabolic Network Resources and Applications workshop page for additional presentations related to CornCyc, SoyCyc, AraCyc, MetaCyc, LycoCyc, and BlueberryCyc delivered at PAG XXII.

2013 Presentations

Plant Biology 2013 - ASPB. Providence, RI, USA
Introduction to the Plant Metabolic Network: Data and Tools for Analysis and Discovery
(presented by Kate Dreher)

Plant and Animal Genomes XXI. San Diego, CA, USA
Introduction to the Plant Metabolic Network: Data and Tools for Analysis and Discovery
(presented by Kate Dreher)

2012 Presentations

Plant Biology 2012 - ASPB. Austin, TX, USA
Accessing the Data You Need at the Plant Metabolic Network
(presented by Kate Dreher)

2012 Banff Conference on Plant Metabolism. Banff, Canada
Evolutionary dynamics in the genome-scale metabolic networks of plants
(presented by Lee Chae)

2011 Presentations

Plant Genome Evolution 2011. Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Creation and application of genome-wide molecular networks in plants for studying evolution
(presented by Dr. Sue Rhee)

Plant Biology 2011 - ASPB. Minneapolis, USA
Building Better Biological Databases Together: Part 3: Accessing the Data You Need at the Plant Metabolic Network
(presented by Kate Dreher)

Plant Biology 2011 - ASPB. Minneapolis, USA
PlantCyc, AraCyc, PoplarCyc and more . . . Building databases with YOUR help at the Plant Metabolic Network
(presented by Kate Dreher)

Plant and Animal Genome XIX Conference. San Diego, CA, USA
Accessing information in plant metabolic pathway databases at the PMN, Gramene, and SGN. Part I: Contents, Search Strategies, and Data Sharing Opportunities
(presented by Kate Dreher)

2010 Presentations

2nd Banff Conference on Plant Metabolism. Banff, Canada
PlantCyc, AraCyc, PoplarCyc and more . . . Building databases and connecting to researchers at the Plant Metabolic Network
(presented by Kate Dreher)

Lehman College - City University of New York. Bronx, NY, USA
Biocuration: Helping Researchers Harness the Data Explosion at TAIR and the Plant Metabolic Network
(presented by Kate Dreher)

University of California, Davis, Plant Biology Graduate Group core class. Davis, CA, USA
Putting the PMN (and TAIR) to work for you: Tips and Techniques for Accessing Data for Plant Biology Research
(presented by Kate Dreher)

Biocuration 2010 - Fourth International Biocuration Conference. Tokyo, Japan
Combining Computational Prediction and Manual Curation to Create Plant Metabolic Pathway Databases
(presented by Peifen Zhang)

Plant Biology 2010 - ASPB and CSPP. Montreal, Canada
Metabolic Pathway Databases and Tools: PMN and its Databases
(presented by Peifen Zhang)

2009 Presentations

Plant and Animal Genome Conference - January 2009. San Diego, CA, USA
Workshop II: Metabolic Pathway Databases for Arabidopsis and Other Plants
(presented by Peifen Zhang)

Boyce Thompson Institute / Cornell University - June 24-25, 2009. Ithaca, NY, USA
(presented by Kate Dreher)
Putting TAIR to work for you: tips and techniques for beginning and advanced users July 2: 4:30-6:00 PM, Kilsyth
(presented by Eva Huala, Dave Swarbreck, and Kate Dreher)

July 2: 4:30-6:00 PM, Kilsyth The presentations and all hand-outs are available on-line

American Society of Plant Biologists - July 18-22 2009. Honolulu, HI, USA
TAIR Workshop I: How to effectively use the tools and resources at TAIR to enhance your research
(presented by A.S. Karthikeyan, Philippe Lamesch, and Donghui Li)

July 20: 12:20 - 2 PM, Rooms 318 A and B

American Society of Plant Biologists - July 18-22 2009. Honolulu, HI, USA
TAIR Workshop II: TAIR, PMN, Gramene and SGN workshop: focus on comparative genomics and new tools
(presented by A.S. Karthikeyan, Philippe Lamesch, Aureliano B. Gomez, and Pankaj Jaiswal)

July 20: 7 - 8:30 PM, Rooms 318 A and B

CIGRAS / UCR - July 27-31. San Pedro, Costa Rica
Welcome to the PMN - introductory presentationThe PMN: Your friend in plant metabolism - hands-on course presentation
(presented by Kate Dreher)

Both the introductory presentation and the hands-on course presentation, plus all hand-outs are available on-line

International Plant Molecular Biology Congress - October 25-30. St. Louis, MO, USA
Putting the Plant Metabolic Network (PMN) to work for you
(presented by Kate Dreher)

2008 Presentations

How pathway databases were created and curated
(presented by Peifen Zhang)
Building and Refining AraCyc:Data Content, Sources, and Methodologies
(presented by Kate Dreher)
AraCyc and the OMICS Viewer:Making sense of metabolism in your favorite biological process
(presented by Kate Dreher)
Banff Conference on Plant Metabolism . July 30-August 3, 2008

2007 Presentations

ASPB Meeting - June 2007. Beijing, China
TAIR Workshop I (Sunday): Gene Ontology and metabolic databases: Part III: Presentation of the metabolic databases AraCyc and MetaCyc: their content and functionalities
(presented by Hartmut Foerster)

*If you would like to obtain the presentation of the SGN or Gramene groups, please contact Lukas Mueller and Pankaj Jaiswal, respectively.

18th International Conference on Arabidopsis Research - July 2007. Chicago
TAIR Workshop Part IV: Presentation of AraCyc, the Arabidopsis thaliana metabolic database
(presented by Donghui Li)